Step by Step :
1. Start applying the make beige pencil below the brow and inner corner. I spread the sequence with the index finger.
2. Now every eye contour with black pencil, without exceeding the dobrinha eye. It is important that the pencil has a slightly creamy texture, so it does not "stain" the lid and let the black uniform.
3. With a pontudinho soft contour brush all black with brown shadow opaque chocolate.
4. With a fluffy brush caught the same brown shadow and esfumó it on the concave and outer corner. But not too out, follow the rounded design of my eye, and you should follow the design of yours, okay?
5. With the same brush cuddly caught opaque and esfumó black shadow below her brown concave and outer corner.
6. Now with a dense and firm brush deposit opaque black shade on the mobile eyelid, leaving the very strong tone to dobrinha eye. Apply one three layers of black to stay ultra strong! It is important to press the brush against the eyelid, so the shadow adheres better. Rubbing or think, okay?
7. With a low cut brush to apply the black shadow close to the lower lashes, and upon leaving the brown pencil shading out.
8. I conclude with beige shade illuminating the internal corner. This step is optional, as my eye is small I like to turn up, but if you have olhão can jump!
Used Products :
Begete pencil
Beloved Touch of Nature
Brush the ES12 Pink Gloss
Trio Pause shadows to Feminices
Brush the ES07 Pink Gloss
Palette of shadows
Brush E5 of The Beauty Box
Sigma E20 brush.
Blogger : Catherine Bell
Image : source
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