Saturday, July 25, 2015

GreenWash Mint Makeup Tutorials

GreenWash Mint Makeup Tutorials
Step by Step :

1. Start the make applying a white base across eyelid. Also applied a tiny bit below the eyebrow and esfumei with your fingers!
2. Mark concave eye with black pencil and take it out (do not go down there in the black outer corner, right?).
3. Caught the darkest black shimmering eyeshadow palette of 226 colors Macrilan and esfumó black pencil tightly in the hollow. As I shot up the "pressure" of the brush leaving the softer smoky. Thus it is gray!
4. In the inner corner of the eyelid up to 1/3 applying the most clarinha shadow Palette Macrilan. I used brush, but even better is that shadow apply with sponge or your fingers, right?
5. In the center of the eye apply a more intense truth. Well mermaid same! With this green fill 2/3 of the eyelid and the external corner with nothing.
6. Close to the lower lashes black pencil step (middle to outside) and up the pencil filling in the external zone that was without shadow. Following esfumó pencil and I take it is Sujinho black to reinforce the concave. Oh, also pass the pencil across waterline.
7. With a fluffy brush come back to black shadow of Macrilan palette and esfumó it at the outer corner light well (to go gray!) And pull out.
8. I end passing the light green shade close to the lower lashes of the internal corner to the middle of the eye.

Blogger : Catherine BellImage : source

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